July 13-14, 2024
The Fort Wayne Museum of Art Chalk Walk has been a trademark event held on Main Street in downtown Fort Wayne since 2000. The event is based on an Italian tradition of street painting that dates to the 16th century, known as i madonnari (street painters). Using pastels, artists of varying levels of experience may choose to reproduce existing artworks or create their own in their designated square. The event typically draws 40,000 people to see the spectacle unfold.
Registration will open April 9, 2024 through forms which will be linked below!
4×4′ Square – Sold Out!
8×8′ Square – Sold Out!
Thank you for your support!
As it is every year, our goal is to draw the city’s most creative citizens together to contribute to the largest community art project in the region, attracting families, friends, and supporters of a vibrant cultural life in Fort Wayne!
Please note: We do not give refunds. If you are unable to keep your square after registration, please consider your fee a donation to FWMoA, a non-profit organization. If you would like to be on a waitlist, please fill out this form here.
Didn’t get a 2023 T-shirt? Order yours here! All sizes $20. We are unable to ship orders – pickup only at Fort Wayne Museum of Art at 311 E Main Street.
Chalk Walk Time Lapse
2024 Award Categories
- Best Use of a Street/Sidewalk Blemish
Imperfections in the pavement are a part of Chalk Walk! How will you deal with the imperfections of your square in a creative way?
- Trompe l’oeil
French for “fool the eye”, trompe l’oeil drawings utilize 3D drawing techniques that fool the viewer by making the drawing seem like it’s a part of real life.
- Favorite Art Genre (Pop, Surrealism, Impressionism, Cubism, etc.)
- Olympic Glory
Recreate your favorite moment in Olympics history, pay homage to a legendary athlete, illustrate an olympic sport or iconic symbol, or show us an olympic host city from any year at its finest.
- Fashion Forward
This category is for the fashionable among us! Style your own outfit in chalk, depict your favorite fashion icon, or recreate memorable styles or eras in fashion history.
- Summer Fun
What is your favorite summer activity? Show us in chalk!
- Hoosier Art Salon
The Hoosier Art Salon, an organization that promotes Indiana artists and their work, is celebrating 100 years of exhibiting and supporting Indiana artists. Show your support for Indiana artists by recreating a favorite artwork or illustrating the achievements of any Indiana artist.
- People’s Choice
The public votes for this one on Sunday!
- Best Square by an Artist Under 12
Are you a young chalker? Compete in this category for $50!
For any questions, please call FWMoA Events Coordinator Emily Uphoff at 260-422-6467 or [email protected].
Title Sponsor, Activity Tent, and Water Bottle Sponsor

Entertainment Sponsor

Prize Sponsor

Street Sponsors

2023 Chalk Walk Winners
People’s Choice: Madison Matilda Radcliff
Best Use of a Street/Sidewalk Blemish: Taylor Welker
Trompe l’oeil: Sarah Meyer
Favorite Art Genre: Elias Nussbaum
Alice In Wonderland: Aries Welty
Main Street Eats: Elyse Schuler
Let’s Play: Nick Sprunger
Best Square by an Artist Under 12: Rachel Nally
Van Gogh in Fort Wayne: Charkiera Smith