Join the Fort Wayne Museum of Art as it plans for the next 5 years! Your feedback is welcome as we write the next Strategic Plan. Take advantage of these opportunities to contribute to institutional planning.
Community Survey | Encuesta comunitaria
English | Español
It’s fitting that as we close our first century that we chart the first 5 years of the next century. As we plan for the future, we’d love your feedback! Please take a few moments to share your thoughts about what you’d like to do and see in the next 5 years.
English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7LYPRXV
El Museo de Arte de Fort Wayne (FWMoA) los invita a que compartan sus comentarios. Por favor tómese unos minutos para completar la siguiente encuesta. Sus comentarios nos ayudarán a planificar los próximos 5 años.